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Jubilee Pool Stories
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Fi Reed talks
Jessie Leroy-Smith and Richard Ballinger talk
Live art at the pool - performer
Live art at the pool - audience
Live art at the pool - ball
Live art at the pool - ball 2
Live art at the pool - ball 3
Live art at the pool - binoculars
Live art at the pool - dancers
Live art at the pool - live art
Live art at the pool - live art 2
Live art at the pool - live performers
Live art at the pool - live performers 3
Live art at the pool - painting
Live art at the pool - painting 2
Live art at the pool - painting 3
Live art at the pool - painting 4
Live art at the pool - painting 5
Live art at the pool - performance
Live art at the pool - projections
Live art at the pool - projections 3
Live art at the pool - props
Live art at the pool - props 2
Live art at the pool - props 3
Live art at the pool - props 4
Live art at the pool - red performers
Live art at the pool - red performers 2
Live art at the pool - talk
Live art at the pool - umbrella
Live art at the pool - umbrella 2
Live art at the pool - umbrella 3
Live art at the pool - umbrella 4
Live art at the pool - umbrella 5
Live art at the pool projections 2
Speaker with tiara at the Art75 event
Synchronised swimmers - final dive at Art75
Synchronised swimmers at Art75
Synchronised swimmers in formation at Art75
Synchronised swimmers prepare to dive at Art75
Synchronised swimming display at Art75
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